How do you grow Osmanthus Burkwoodii

Riley Francis
2 min readMar 19, 2021

This plant reached its current popularity as a houseplant in the USA in the 1940s. It’s easy care, relative rarity, ease of growing and the fact that it cleans easily are all reasons why it’s been a big hit. It grows perfectly to 6m high and can produce shoots up to 6m long, so conserving these will help the plant to spread. Alternatively, they can be rooted and pruned to shape once they reach this height. Maintenance is not extremely required, but watering small, infrequent, deep watering is necessary. Hand-watering is even preferred as it provides a deeper penetration of water. Make sure the soil is nice and moist, then fertilise at the first sign of growth.

Osmanthus are considered easy plants which will spread out fairly widely and have equal success on both fences and vertical structures. Care must be taken not to over-water the plant in this instance, as it tolerates dry conditions but will drop its leaves. Lighting is a concern with Osmanthus, which need low wattages, but can be tamed by a few daily or twice daily watering's. In this article, we will also look at some of the common plants associated with the species and what we can do to help them succeed. Paulownia also known as stroll ling or Japanese philodendron comes from the same family and is also quite hardy, although at a slower rate. Careful watering, keeping humidity levels high and possibly covering the plants with a plastic bag can help Paulownia species lower their risk of defoliation and spread.

Paulownia are commonly called “dogwood” because of their dog-like appearance and are often planted in border pots. Growing indoors they like compact white or sometimes light green ground covering. The plants often produce offsets which will root after they have established a few roots. Until the first frost, you can overwater the plant by as much as 10% each week. The plant can drink a lot of water in the early summer but a quick spring water check should tell you if the soil is dry. Since it does like moist soil, provide your potting mix with a good amount of fertilizer during the initial growing season. Though the fertilize once the plant has established roots, this should be once every two weeks or when the soil is dry.

Being a relatively slow growing shrub to re-pot in the first place, Paulownia prefers medium to high moisture in soil. Overnight the plants may need watering once or twice.

Cotoneaster Corona is another easy to include in any space with its tendency to get large and spread out. It needs a generous amount of light but can be given longer growing hours.



Riley Francis

Osmanthus burkwoodii Instant Hedging is a small leaved dense evergreen hedge. Website: