An Introduction to the Osmanthus Burkwoodii: A Fragrance for All Seasons

Riley Francis
6 min readJul 6, 2021


Even if you don’t know that much about incense, you’ve probably heard of incense sticks. Incense sticks are one of the most common types of incense available on the market today. They come almost in all shapes and sizes, with a wide range of fragrances. Incense sticks are also known as joss sticks or yakuto in Japan.
Blog Post Body: An Introduction to the Osmanthus Burkwoodii — A Fragrance for All Seasons

1. What is the Osmanthus Burkwoodii?

Osmanthus Burkwoodii is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. As it is made of Osmanthus flowers, it is also called as Osmanthus flower tea. It is another famous Chinese herbal tea, which has been popular in China for thousands of years.

It mostly make use of special ingredients in order to make it more potent and effective.

One of the most important things to know about incense is that it is used in many religions throughout the world. Egyptian religious incense usually consists closely of frankincense and myrrh. Due to historical reasons incense was first introduced into the Egyptian pyramids and subsequently into the rest of the world through trade.

Birch incense is also quite popular in India and can be found in most of the Indian homes. Intentional or accidental burning of incense is often observed as protection from evil spirits and bad luck.

In Ghana the main kind of incense used is that from Makuasi. It is also used in Ghanaian Smudge sticks.

You can often find different “cures” that are attributed to the use of different types of incense, this is believed to increase the “healing powers” of the incense.

Incense sticks and candles are common home decorations during the festive season, in winter especially. But other than the decoration of the room incense is also used as both a decorative component and medicine. Although sometimes labeled as a fake medicine it is mostly just resin, beeswax, and herbs.

2. What are the benefits of the Osmanthus Burkwoodii?

Osmanthus Burkwoodii is a flowering plant in the olive family. It has very fragrant and beautiful flowers, and is commonly used in Chinese medicine. The Osmanthus Burkwoodii is an important ingredient in skincare because it has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.It is used widely in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve cold and congestion, especially those due to the virus, cold and flu season.

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3. What are some of the negative effects of this fragrance?

According to the American Cancer Society, “Some people are especially sensitive to the effects of this substance, even at low levels, and may experience such symptoms as an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, weakness, and fatigue.You might also feel that your skin or clothes become oily, discolored, or ashen.”

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The Clary sage is the most commonly used incense plant in the United States.
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This plant is native to southwest Asia and is native to Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). It grows to about 6 feet tall with a spreading rosette of lobed leaves. The bark also contains some essential oils.

The clary sage is used to soothe and soothe pain, and the leaves are used for the treatment of cancer, psoriasis, diabetes, varicose veins, and athlete’s foot.
Thai incense is considered to be sacred and used in ceremonies. People light incense on the first night of their new year. Medicine men sprinkle the leaves and powder on the victims pain and sore points. Pictures of people rolling in the powder are rather rare on the internet.

Japanese incense is beautiful and sweet, but is often meant to evoke emotions or memories. For elderly people the fragrance can be relaxing and uplifting. You can find palm leaves, nuts, flowers, and even flowers with raw frankincense to create a beautiful blend for yourself.

English incense is characterized by green to brown sticks that have small grains of crushed incense stuck in the center. The sticks are handmade and contain velvety lids and fragrances. Like Thai incense the brown sticks are used for warming up cold symptoms, and for rituals and blessings.

4. This fragrance is used for what purpose?

To my nose, it smelled like a combination of baby powder and a little bit of sweat. It’s the kind of smell that makes you think of a clean, healthy, active person. The kind of person that does yoga and doesn’t eat meat.

Like millions of people across the world I am newly interested in the plants that give perfume its aroma. In my case, it is a plant I had never heard of.
In Incense sticks there are different fragrances piped in either through tiny air holes or a hole drilled into the stick. The fragrances are piped in after incense is put into the container with wood charcoal. From what I could tell, there are four main incenses that you can buy:
There are also numerous research studies on the plants used in incense that I wanted to include in this blog post.

I didn’t elaborate too much on the rare places incense can be found, but it is worth a shot if you have family members that live in a remote area and you want to give them a whiff of the local cologne. Or if you’d like to go into a hotel and smell the incense that’s hanging in the lobby.

I did try my hand at making my own incense. Sometimes I would buy dried plant material online and just make a batch without finding instructions. Once I realized that none of the dried material I found was in my price range, I also decided to buy a couple of sticks and experiment with making my own blend.

I began by using the ingredients I collected online: Lone Pine Bark, Black Musk, and White Musk. I read some comments from other incense mixers and decided on a ratio of 2 parts bark to 1 part musk. The more bark the better and the shorter the infusion the better.

5. How can you use this fragrance to your advantage?

The most important thing to remember is that the more you use a fragrance, the more your body gets used to it. The more your body gets used to it, the less you’ll notice it. When you notice something less, it’s harder to fall in love with it.Blog Post Body: On the Dangers and Opportunities of Fragranced Markers
fragranced markers are amongst the most bizarre smelling objects known to mankind. Can you truly smell burning rubber when you have the rush of tobacco, diesel, small insects, vomit and more? When it comes to fragranced markers, the answer is a city, a hootenanny and an auto show.

